Planning ahead in the college application process is one of the most valuable steps towards getting into the right school and acquiring the right education. High school students need to be highly aware of the application deadlines that start appearing well ahead of their May graduation date. They also need to plan in advance for the standardized testing, especially ACT test prep in the midwest.
Colleges and universities use the ACT or SAT to evaluate students on their academic performance. It is important for students to take these tests very seriously, and therefore students need to aim for the highest possible score as possible. If the desired college has an application deadline of late fall, all testing will need to be completed by early fall. With ACT exams only being administered every few months, the timeline needed to accomplish a testing goal must encompass multiple months.
This multi-month action plan can include taking the test more than once to learn it and become comfortable with the environment. An additional tool that some students use is test prep from a professional service. Students looking for an SAT tutor should make multiple visits to an ACT or SAT tutor to take practice tests, reduce stress, and understand the types of questions that might be encountered on the exam. Starting this level of preparation in the spring can really pay off in the late fall when applications are due. Mackler Associates is an excellent source of St. Louis tutors.
Mackler Associates
1067 N Mason Rd #5,
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 434-4431